System Status

The current data and time is: 22/12/2024 - 01:40:35 GMT

ApplicationUploaded FilesUpload FrequencyLast UploadTime Since Upload
weewx 3.8.0gauge-data.txt60 Seconds05/09/24 15:27:08 BST15.4 weeks Late
weewx 3.8.0statistics.html5 Minutes05/09/24 15:25:35 BST15.4 weeks Late
weewx 3.8.0wview.php60 Seconds05/09/24 15:27:09 BST15.4 weeks Late
WXgraphicsgraphictags.htm5 Minutes05/09/24 15:25:35 BST15.4 weeks Late
mysqldlfile.sql5 Minutes05/09/24 15:25:32 BST15.4 weeks Late
weewx 3.8.0statsfile.txt24 Hours05/09/24 08:06:03 BST15.4 weeks Late
mysql checkdbasecheck.txt24 Hours05/09/24 03:03:02 BST15.4 weeks Late
startcopyNOAA-2024-12.txt24 Hours01/01/70 01:00:00 BSTFile not present Late
startcopyNOAA-2024.txt31 Days05/09/24 02:07:03 BST15.4 weeks Late

weewx started: 2024-08-21 15:29:27 BST